Friday, 17 November 2017

TempData ViewData ViewBag And Keep Method In MVC

Following show the step by step example how to use TempData,ViewData,ViewBag  :

 Step 1:
Create a simple application in MVC then you have to display the structure show in below.

A : Create a one models with name 'Employee.cs shown below code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace WebApplication2.Models
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }

 B : Create a one controllers TestController.cs shown below code.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Mvc;

using WebApplication2.Models;

namespace WebApplication2.Controllers


public class TestController : Controller


// GET: Test

public ActionResult Index()


List<Employee> employeeList = new List<Employee>();

Employee employee = new Employee();

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 1, Name = "Sandeep", Department = "InformationTech" });

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 2, Name = "Pranali", Department = "HRDepartment" });

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 3, Name = "Smith", Department = "Operation" });

// ViewBag.EmployeeList = employeeList;

ViewData["EmployeeList"] = employeeList;

ViewBag.EmployeeNameASP = "Pranali ";

ViewData["EmployeeNameC#"] = "Sandeep";

TempData["EmployeNameMVC"] = "Jamkar";

// return View(employeeList);


return View();


public ActionResult Mypage()


TempData.Keep();//before add keep method here you have to load the page the temp data values not preserved but after put the keep method in secod action or page it is

return View();




C : After create the controllers add the view of the ActionResult in TestController then shows the structure below.
Views --->Test Folder---->Index.cshtml  then write the below code.


ViewBag.Title = "Index";










@*@if(Model !=null)


@*//foreach(var item in Model) disply list using model*@

@*@foreach (var item in ViewBag.EmployeeList) disply list using viewbag*@

@foreach(var item in ViewData["EmployeeList"] as List<WebApplication2.Models.Employee>)











<div class="container">

<ul class="list-group">

<li class="list-group-item">

your viewBag values is <b>@ViewBag.EmployeeNameASP</b>


<li class="list-group-item">

your viewData values is <b>@ViewData["EmployeeNameC#"]</b>


<li class="list-group-item">

your tempBag values is <b>@TempData["EmployeNameMVC"]</b>


<li class="list-group-item">

<a href="/Test/Mypage">Go To My PAge</a>




We are write above code of the all required implementation like TempData,ViewData,ViewBag and Keep Method in the TempData.

Step 2: In this step we implement one by one concept and UN comment required code comment remaining code then RUN the Application.

A. Model Data

TestController.cs---->ActionResult Write below code.

public ActionResult Index()


List<Employee> employeeList = new List<Employee>();

Employee employee = new Employee();

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 1, Name = "Sandeep", Department = "InformationTech" });

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 2, Name = "Pranali", Department = "HRDepartment" });

employeeList.Add(new Employee { EmployeeID = 3, Name = "Smith", Department = "Operation" });

return View(employeeList);


And Some changes in Index.cshtml write below code 

@if(Model !=null)
foreach (var item in Model)


Then run the application shows below screen.


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