Saturday, 7 January 2017

Web Services In Asp .Net

Web service in asp c# .net :

1. It is the way to publish applications function on web that can be accessible to the rest of the world.
2. Web services are the components that can be used by other applications
3. Asp .net offer easy way to develop web services, just precede the functions with a special web             method() attribute in order them to work as web service.
4. It is  discovered using the UDDI directory services.
5. It is  built on XML standard and use SOAP protocol that allows them to communicate across               different platforms and programming languages.
6. It is  easily manage to work across corporate firewalls as they use HTTP protocol which is firewall     friendly.

What are web services and why should we use web services?
Ans : web services are a standardized way for developing interoperable application to invoke a method of another application.
these applications can be on the same computer or different computers. 

Web services platform elements are :

1. SOAP (simple object access protocol)
2. UDDI (Universal description, discovery and integration)
3. WSDL (web services description language)

A. The web services are built on internet standards that are not platform or language specific
B. The .net framework provides –in-built classes to build and consume web services.
C. The components offered by web services are reusable

The example of web service components can be shipment tracking, sports scores ,translation utility, weather forecasting  etc.

SOAP :  stands ‘simple object access protocol’ web services will be interact With soap messages written in XML.
SOAP is sometimes referred as  “data wrapper” or “data  envelope”.
It contains different  xml  tag that creates a whole SOAP message.

WSDL:  stand for “web services description language”
It is an xml document which is written according to standard specified by w3c
It is a kind of manual or document that describes how we can use and consume web service.
Web services development software processes the WSDL document and generates SOAP messages that are  needed for specific web service .

UDDI : universal discovery description and integeration.
It is used for web services can find address of web services from UDDI

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