Showing posts with label AngularJS and Bootstrap basic concept examples and technical concepts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AngularJS and Bootstrap basic concept examples and technical concepts. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 November 2016

AngularJS and Bootstrap basic concept examples and technical concepts

AngularJS :

Version    1,1,1.2,.....1.5
Beta Version 2.0

1. It is an open source java scripts framework helps build web application .
2. It is developed by google to create single page application or one-page web applications that only       require HTML,CSS and java script on the client side.
3. 1.5 latest version use in production.

HTML <------> AngularJS <-------> JavaScripts Objects
(View)                (Binding)                   (Model)

4. It is light weight and bind html and java scripts.
5. There are three different AngularJS file
  A. Angular.js
     Does have comment, intension.
  B. min.js
     Does not have comment ,intension.
C. Angular-mocks.js
     It is use mocks testing use
Following screen shows how to add AngularJS in your application.

6. It is a structural framework for dynamic Web apps. 
7. It is easy to update and get information from your HTML document.
8. Using Angular does not mean not to use Jquery we can also use Jquery in our application.
9. Angular also internally uses lite version of jquery "JQLite".

Angular Componets :

1. View
2.  Controllers
3.  Models
4.  Services
5.  Filters
6.  Directives

Why ng-bind, ng-int,ng-module "-"
Ans :- When you  define a tag using "-" browser does not parse it as html.

10. Controller will take care of all communication between  server and client these Controller and views are communicates by using a shared object called $scope

Advantages of AngularJS :

1. Data Binding
2. Customize & Extensible
3. Code Reusability
4. Support
5. Compatibility
6. Testing
7. Dependency Injection
8. Two way Data-Binding
9. Model,View Controller,Directives,Filters.

Module and Controller in AngularJS

What is Module and how to create it?
1. Module is a kind of Main () method in AngularJS which contains 
controllers, services, directives etc.
2. Module in AngularJS can be created by using following syntax.
3. Module is used with ng-app.

A Module can be dependent on another module like ngRoute, ui.bootstrap.
What is a controller and how to create a controller?
  1. Controller is a function which defines the data for view to display.
  2. It can retrieve data from the database by calling a service. Controller is used with ng-controller.
  3. The syntax to create controller is,

$scope is an object to which the data is attached and it is then retrieved and displayed.Here message is attached to $scope object. So in the Html page which is using this controller by using double curly braces {{message}} the message will be displayed.The controller needs to be registered with a module like this

myApp.controller("myController", myController);

Steps to Create Application,

Now add one html page and just drag and drop angular.min.js in your HTML page. It will look like this.

Now add one Javascript file and just drag and drop angular.js in your JS file. It will look like this. 
Following is the code for the Javascript file .

var myApp = angular.module("myModule", [])
.controller("myController", function ($scope) {
var friend = {
FirstName: "smith",
LastName: "Loin",
Gender: "Male"
var country = {
Name: "India",
Capital: "Dehli",
$scope.message = "Wel Come India";
$ = country;
$scope.friend = friend;

Following is the code for html file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="scripts/angular.js"></script>
<script src="DemoScript.js"></script>
<body ng-app="myModule">
<div ng-controller="myController">
<br />
<br />
<hr />
<div ng-controller="myController">
Country Name : {{country.Name}}
<br />
<br />
Country Capital: {{country.Capital}}
<hr />
Friend FirstName : {{friend.FirstName}}
<br />
Friend LastName : {{friend.LastName}}
<br />
Friend Gender : {{friend.Gender}}